Astolfo on the Moon

Astolfo on the Moon
Stories from Orlando Furioso

by Angela Ragusa
Published in 2022 by IFISS Press in English
Translation by William Woolf

Avaiable as a Paperback book ($6.99) or as a Kindle ePub ($2.99).

Hot... hot... hot... . It is darn hot in the land of France! King Charlemagne is stuck in his castle in Paris and does not know how to get rid of the army of Saracens who have pitched their tents outside the city gates. Not to mention that his nephew Orlando, the strongest and bravest of all his champions, has been missing for months running after the beautiful Angelica. The Poor King! He keeps pulling their hair in despair, and if this continues, he will need to buy a wig. Luckily coming to his aid is another nephew, Duke Astolfo of England, a knight of action who loves to talk, and who is ready to help the king with all his problems, and the magical world, on his hippogriff, facing wizards and witches, ogres and giants, and even going to the moon aboard an incredible chariot of fire!

In this book you will find a humorous reinterpretation of the adventures written by Ludovico Ariosto in his epic Renaissance poem, Orlando Furioso (first published in 1532), as told from the point of view of Astolfo, the brave, and rather talkative Knight, the Duke of England. This book is the English translation of the Italian book Astolfo sulla luna by the award-winning Italian writer Angela Ragusa. Translation by William Woolf.